Man muss kein griechischer Held sein, um Dublins Charme zu erleben. Leopold Bloom ist dafür ein großartiges Beispiel. Er ist der Protagonist von Ulysses und bekanntester Charakter des irischen Romanautors James Joyce – eines Schriftstellers, der 100 Jahre nach seiner Geburt immer noch Tourismus auf die Smaragdinsel im Atlantik zieht. Neben…
We make renting easy by allowing people to book completely online from wherever they are in the world, with the knowledge that the property they are booking is real and accurate.
Wie hat Covid-19 Arbeitsprogramme für Expats verändert?
Laut einer online durch eine Webseite namens InterNations mit 12.000 Expats durchgeführten Studie [] sind Taiwan, Mexico und Costa Rica die besten Orte zum Arbeiten im Ausland. Die Lebensqualität und das Gesundheitswesen in Taiwan sind laut den Teilnehmern der Studie zwei der…
These are the festivities you can't miss out in Spain
We have blog content about Spain that would last a year. And for good reason; it's one of the most visited countries in the world: 80 million tourists from all corners of the globe decide to enjoy their holidays each year under the Spanish sun. In fact, we…
Struggles with regulation in the rental market
In the last few years, a good deal of metropolitan areas in the developed world have experienced a soaring of rent prices for residential housing. These price increases have a rippling effect on household budgets, access to housing and geographical mobility for certain groups in society, for example students and…
Rental contracts: the things an owner should never forget
Bureaucracy is never fun. It feels good to say because it's the truth. Signatures, papers, documents, stamps... Now you send off an email, now you receive one back, now you have to go to an office and then they have to sign something or other for you. It&…
Calidad de vida europea: cinco ciudades de las que no podrás quejarte
En Spotahome [] podríamos pasarnos la vida hablando sobre lo que nos gusta Europa y lo bien que se vive en ella. Del frío escandinavo al sol mediterráneo, todo incluido. De norte a sur y…
Discovering Athens, a place steeped in history
We look for flats for you, we recommend where you should travel to, we tell you how to leave your house in a good state and we even show you history. Without wanting to get overly academic, we are very excited to tell you all about Athens. It's…
The perfect escape: spend a few days close to Madrid
Congratulations Madrid! Thanks to the urban area which forms part of the Paseo del Prado and the Retiro Park, the city has been added to the National Heritage list. Here at Spotahome […
Wie finden wir den idealen Mieter für unsere Mietwohnung?
Wenn es darum geht, eine Wohnung zu vermieten, versteht es sich von selbst, dass die Eigentümer Zweifel und Sorgen haben und sie jemanden finden möchten, der sich um ihre Wohnung kümmert, als wäre es die eigene. Jemand, der putzt, gut pflegt, monatlich die Miete pünktlich bezahlt ... Gibt es solche Mieter…
Kostengünstige Dekorationen, mit denen du dein Studentenzimmer persönlich gestalten kannst
Wenn wir ein Haus mieten – auch ein bereits möbliertes – ist es normal, dass wir es ein bisschen ausschmücken wollen, um ihm unsere eigene Note zu verpassen. Zu diesem Zweck möchten wir ein paar dekorative Elemente hinzufügen, die unsere persönlichen Vorlieben widerspiegeln, und wir uns wie zu Hause fühlen können. Es…
Learnings lead to growth. In the long term, nature always balances.
A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO Today I am happy to share some good news from Spotahome. Our business, (mid-long term residential rentals), together with travel are two of the most hit industries by the Covid pandemic. Our revenues in April significantly decreased and despite gaining sizeable funding before Covid our…
Come guadagnare con gli immobili e quanto chiedere per il canone d’affitto? Ecco 5 elementi da considerare
Sei consapevole del fatto che si può guadagnare con gli immobili e mantenersi con gli affitti e quindi hai deciso di affittare una proprietà per mantenerti con la rendita dell’affitto o magari per avere un’entrata extra. Ottima idea! Ora però devi darti da fare, preparare la proprietà e…
Wie viel Miete kann ich für mein Apartment verlangen?
Du hast eine Wohnung, die du vermieten möchtest, weißt aber nicht, welche Miete du verlangen kannst? Du findest hier alle Antworten auf deine Fragen sowie Tipps, wie du die optimale Miete für dein Apartment festlegen kannst. Welche Faktoren bestimmen den Mietwert der Immobilie? Es ist essenziell, den richtigen Wert einer…
Propriedades que precisam de manutenção e a arte de transformá-las para arrendamento
Quando vais a uma entrevista de trabalho, queres estar bem apresentado, não é? Cabelo bem cortado, roupas engomadas, cara de quem está de bom humor numa segunda-feira logo pela manhã. Arrendar uma casa não é muito diferente disto. Propriedades que precisam de manutenção são um dos principais fatores de desvalorização…
Come preparare e presentare i tuoi appartamenti al meglio per affitti online?
Pubblicizzare un appartamento non è facile come si possa pensare. L’offerta immobiliare è talmente vasta che il tuo immobile deve lasciare un segno, deve colpire il possibile inquilino e, per fare ciò, è necessario prepararlo a dovere e non solo per una ragione estetica. Infatti un appartamento ben arredato…
Comment mettre en valeur votre logement sur Internet?
Le temps des petites annonces dans les journaux pour louer votre bien immobilier est révolu ! Grâce au développement des nouvelles technologies, publier une annonce immobilière sur internet et trouver le parfait locataire n’a jamais été aussi facile et profitable pour les propriétaires de logements. Gain de temps et d’…
O que tenho de fazer se o inquilino não estiver a pagar a renda?
Quem é senhorio sabe que há muitas preocupações (e ocupações!) envolvidas nessa função. Mas talvez a maior delas seja quando há problemas no pagamento das rendas por parte dos inquilinos. Além de prejudicar o planeamento financeiro, a falta de pagamento gera um desgaste na relação entre as partes e, claro,…
I Have graduated! Now what?
GUEST AUTHOR: Eylul Deniz Basok, Spotahome Student Ambassador I have always thought that the most important decision in life would be choosing a path after graduating from high school. The truth is it really was huge deciding what I wanted as a career and to move to a different country…
Day Trips from Milan at Christmas
GUEST AUTHOR: Aida Loggiodice, Spotahome Student Ambassador Not home for the holidays? I got you. The Christmas season is one of the most beautiful in the year and yet painfully depressing if you’re not around family or loved ones to celebrate it. So, if you’re in Milan and…
Spotahome CYBERWEEK - 25% off the Booking Fee on Your New Home
Spotahome: the easiest way to find your new home across 10 European Cities Here's why: Don't waste your time - no contacting landlords, no running around to visits. Search and book your property 100% online and have your place sorted before you even arrive. What you…
Valencia on a Budget
GUEST AUTHOR: Gabriela Hernandez, Spotahome Student Ambassador Moving to a new city can be a bit scary, the fear of the unknown is completely natural, but it is definitely very exciting! When coming as a student to Valencia, the first thing we want is to know every corner of the…
10 Day Trip Guide to Madrid
GUEST AUTHOR: Aida Loggiodice, Spotahome Student Ambassador Are you visiting the famous Spanish capital city but unsure of what to do? Here’s a 10 day guide trip to Madrid including opening times and information on how to get there by metro/bus. Check it out below: Day 1 Parque…
Living Alone or with Flatmates?
GUEST AUTHOR: Eylul Basok, Spotahome Student Ambassador Having moved around quite a bit I have had different accomodation experinces. I have lived alone, in a dormitory with several people, shared a single room and currently, I am living in an apartment of six people. After all these experiences, I have…
Oktoberfest 2018 - Tips and info for the “Wies’n”
Written by Karen Bornett. Adapted to English by Melissa Lyras Taking place on the "Wies'n" (a colloquial word for "fairgrounds"), Oktoberfest in Munich is a huge event. In 2017, the organisers counted more than six million visitors. And it’s no wonder, since the…
How to Balance Work and Study - the Ultimate Guide
Work and studying coupled together sound like a toxic relationship that is destined to cause students misery, stress and chaos. To help balance your commitments without pulling your hair out and running towards the booze-infested horizon, check out these helpful tips below. Schedule, schedule, schedule… This will be your knight…