The happiest country in Europe! With 300 days of sunshine a year and 1,797km of coastline there is a lot to love about the sensational country of Portugal and its many vibrant and charming cities and towns scattered around the country. Cities such as Porto and Coimbra are gems that have these preserved mediaeval cities and preserved historic towns you can get lost in.
Here are a few quotes and images that will convince you to adore Portugal as much as we do!
- Oh, salty sea, how much of your salt Is tears from Portugal? -Fernando Pessoa, Portuguese poet.
- I grew up in Portugal, and people there party 'til 7 or 8 in the morning there. My favourite nights out are the most random ones - when they start at a bowling alley and end up somewhere you don't even know where. - Sara Sampai, Portuguese model.

- “My affection hath an unknown bottom, like the Bay of Portugal.” – William Shakespeare, English playwright and poet.
- Portugal has a peaceful feel about it. I sit on the terrace overlooking the vineyard there and I feel cut off from the world. You need that sort of thing.” – Cliff Richard, English musician.
- “Portuguese is cheerful and sweet, like a language of birds.” – Paulo Rónai, Brazilian philosopher and critic.

- “If there is one portion of Europe which was made by the sea more than another, Portugal is that slice, that portion, that belt. Portugal was made by the Atlantic.” – Hilaire Belloc, French/English historian and writer.
- “By day Lisbon has a naive theatrical quality that enchants and captivates, but by night it is a fairy-tale city, descending over lighted terraces to the sea, like a woman in festive garments going down to meet her dark lover.” – Erich Maria Remarque, German novelist.
- “Wet or fine, the air of Portugal has a natural happiness in it, and the people of the country should be as happy and prosperous as any people in the world.” – H.G. Wells, English writer.

- “Any Portuguese town looks like a bride's finery – something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.” – Mary Mccarthy, American novelist, critic and activist.
- “The only thing that matters is to feel the fado. The fado is not meant to be sung; it simply happens. You feel it, you don’t understand it and you don’t explain it.” – Amália Rodrigues, Portuguese activist.
- “I've got two places I like to be. Portugal is one”. - Cliff Richard, English musician.

- “Lisbon, to me,
is the Lisbon of Pessoa.
Just like London is Woolf’s,
or rather, Mrs. Dalloway’s.
Barcelona is Gaudí's
and Rome is da Vinci’s.
You see them in every crevice
and hear their echoes
in every cathedral.
I’d like to be the child,
or rather, the mother of a city
but I neither have a home
nor a resting place.
My race is humankind.
My religion is kindness.
My work is love
and, well, my city
is the walls of your heart.”
– Kamand Kojouri - Author.

Portugal The Rapidly Developing European City
Portugal in the year 2022 had a growth of +6.2% in GDP terms since last year of 2021 and, ranked #38 in the HDI index (Human Development Index). Portugal has the highest amount of GDP growth in the European Union! This country is making big strides to improve their economy and what they offer people who live within the country.
Cities such Lisbon and Porto have seen mass development in the last few years. This has been a big attractive point to locals who move to these cities to look for work and development in their career.
In addition, digital nomads and expats looking for a warm country to work within and be surrounded by the kind and friendly Portuguese people. With one of the lowest crime rates in Europe no matter where you are in the country, you can walk around assured that you will be safe.

Expat Friendly & Tax Rate Schemes For Internationals
Portugal has a tax regime that allows expats to apply for a 0% rate on NHT (Non Habitual Tax) on foreign income and at max, 20% tax on any income that is earned within Portugal.
This tax was formed when there were some economic issues and in order to attract capital and investment this tax benefit was introduced. Since Portugal's economic hardships have passed, the scheme was kept as it was a success and allowed the country to maintain and attract amazing talent to the country.

Getting Around By Public Transport
Portugal has buses, trams, metros, trains and of course the good old taxis. The country has a dense and well connected network to many major connections. In Lisbon a one way ticket is 1.50 euros and a monthly metro pass that gives you unlimited rides costs 30 euros. The cost of a monthly pass in Porto is also 30 euros.
Buses are available from 5am till midnight and the metro runs from 6am till 1am in Lisbon, the capital city. Public transport in Portugal runs regularly throughout the day and they are very reliable for people who want to make their commutes doing this. Bus stands, mostly within the major cities will have an electronic board so that you can monitor when the bus is due to arrive at your selected bus stop. Trains and metros are part of each Lisbon native and adoptees commute in, out and around the city and are very cost effective!

Thinking About Moving To Portugal?
Are you thinking about moving to Portugal? Spotahome has 1,000 of apartments in the country that you can book in a safe and secure manner virtually! No matter your personal home preferences and needs there is a home for you to check out these beautiful apartments in the gorgeous city of Coimbra.
- https://visadb.io/blog/portugal-s-0--non-habitual-tax-residency--a-complete-q-a-guide--62d0a78cff9c55ab1148a967
- https://www.metrolisboa.pt/en/
- https://www.metrodoporto.pt/pages/1
- https://imperiallegal.com/media/news/what-are-tax-benefits-available-in-portugal-for-digital-nomads/#:~:text=Tax%20benefits%20for%20%E2%80%9Cdigital%20nomads%E2%80%9D,-After%20relocating%20to&text=20%25%20tax%20on%20income%20earned,of%20up%20to%2048%25%3B https://www.portugalist.com/nomad-taxes-portugal-nhr/
- https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDP_RPCH@WEO/EU/EURO/EUQ/IDN
- https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/country-insights#/ranks
- https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZG?locations=EU