Erasmus Life: How to Get Over your Post-Erasmus Blues

There is nothing like the pain of returning from your Erasmus. I spent a year living in Madrid and trust me, I cried on the way out but 10x harder on the way home. So, for everyone feeling a little bit down about their time abroad coming to an end, here are some tried and tested tips to make that transition a little bit easier.
1) Book lots of trips.
After living abroad, travelling and seeing so much… you most likely have the travel bug now. I know I did… so book yourself some holidays, with friends or alone. Your bank account might not thank you, but come boarding time, you’ll be thanking yourself.
2) Stay engaged with the person that you’ve become.
It’s no shock that going abroad does change a person. You’ll have seen, felt and (if you’re me) eaten more and it’s hard for that to not have had an impact on you. So stay engaged with the culturally wise and independent person you have become. Don’t slip back into old routines or focus on change. Focus on what’s new.
3) Bit by bit.
Moving country always comes with lots of things, normally boring admin work to do. Normally boring things like charging your phone contract, insurance, informing your bank etc. Don’t feel the need to do it all at once. Keep your transition smooth and steady. If you’re anything like me, leaving it to the last minute won’t be a problem. I still haven’t changed my phone number…oops!
4) Catch up with friends.
A lot of people will still be there. So whilst you’re on home soil, make it a priority to catch up with them. You’ve probably been really missed and people are dying to hear about your fabulous adventures. Trust me, you’ll get to the point where you are sick of talking about it - the best kind of therapy!
5) Find a hobby.
Finding something you can focus on long term in your home country will really help to take your mind off everything. Why not try the gym or a new language? For me, my blog posts have kept me occupied and still keep me linked to my amazing experience.
6) Plan a trip back to visit.
Your Erasmus home is never far away and you can always go back and visit to block the blues out and look forward to the next time you go ‘home’. It’ll be waiting for you with open arms. I’m still counting down the days for my return!
7) Look forward to the next big thing.
Whether it’s finishing your degree or another work placement… put all your focus in that. The world is your oyster and there’s nothing you can’t do.
8) Keep in touch.
After Erasmus, you all go your separate ways. Whether it’s a different country or a different city, distance is inevitable. Instead of looking at it negatively, keep posting on your group chats and uploading throwbacks on Instagram. Although the dynamic might be different, you can start to pave the way for new adventures.
9) Remember it positively.
Although it’s sad that you’re leaving or have already left. Look back on this time positively, with all the fond memories and it’ll never seem too far away. Even simple things like photos on your wall and scrappy notes and receipts in your wallet can make every other day feel a little easier.
Time to go home and need to find a new place? Spotahome can help.
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