Best Business Ideas for Students

WWe've all been there: students and poor. But with the advent of the internet and a general improved availability of starting a small business, you are part of the luckiest generation. Here are 20 business ideas that you can start right now, alone or with your uni mates to finally say goodbye to living on £1 deal from Sainsbury's.

You are welcome.  

First thing first.  Of course, I know you want to start a business for money, yet there must be something else.

As Simon Sinek said in its famous TEDx talk (watch the short version below), you should:

"Start with why"

So, if it's true that having some money in your pocket is the main goal, you should also think about the bigger scope and picture. For example, you should ask yourself: how is my business going to help other people? How is my service going to improve the community I live in?

Once you've found your why, you should start thinking about one of the many options below.

A few things to remember:

  • Don’t do anything illegal
  • Your studies are your priority, don't forget that!
  • Check the tax rules in your country as you might have to complete a self-assessment tax return
  • Before starting anything, make sure to check whether you need a licence, certification, insurance

1. Become the best dog sitter

Not just a dog sitter, but the very best in your neighbourhood. Here's a guide to become "rich" and make lots of furry friends in London. The truth is that the same principles also apply in Paris, Milan and Brussels.

Photo by Adam Griffith / Unsplash

2. Sell your clothes

Lots of clothes you no longer use in your wardrobe? Excellent. The answer is Depop. The amazing thing is that you can get rid of your unwanted stuff while also helping the planet. Oh, and if you have an eye for fashion, why don't go to your closest charity shop and get some pieces to sell online with a little margin too?

Photo by Becca McHaffie / Unsplash

3. Open an Etsy Shop

If are creative and great at making things by hand, you could make some money by selling your creations on Etsy. You can sell t-shirts, stationery and whatever you are great at making.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

4. Monetise your website

You most likely already have a website. If are on your Erasmus away, you could be inspired by this article to create your travel blog.  you don't, read how to it's pretty easy. Once you've opened it and created some traffic, you can start monetising it. How? The most common is to enter some affiliate programmes, where you earn a little commission every time someone buys on a link you have on your website. Otherwise, you can sell some space to advertisers, however you'll need to have some traffic in order to actually earn some money.

Photo by Igor Miske / Unsplash

5. Write an e-book

While publishing a book is still quite complicated, publishing an e-book is much easier and available to anyone. Have you got a story in mind that could be interesting for others? Do you know something other people could find useful? Well, publishing an ebook has never been easier. Maybe you can share your backpacking trip or some students' recipes you've tried and tested with your flatmates.

Photo by Aliis Sinisalu / Unsplash

6. Sell your photos online

If you are a talented photographer, nothing stops you from selling your pictures online. There is a growing demand for pictures (and videos) and you could make some easy money by selling the rights of your picture.

Photo by Marco Xu / Unsplash

7. Teach your mother tongue online

If English is your mother tongue, you can easily find students willing to learn all around the world. You can join one of the many providers online who are always looking for new teachers. But if you are French, Spanish, Italian or German, you can also be sure there are students if maybe less.

Photo by Tirza van Dijk / Unsplash

Want to read more about making and saving money? Read these articles: