Expat News: All You Need To Know About The Earthquake in Italy

247 people believed dead in the aftermath of the earthquake in Italy.

Where is Amatrice?

Amatrice is a small town located in central Italy, with a human presence noted since prehistoric times. Amatrice is just a 2 hour car ride away from Rome and close to the East coast of Italy.

How you can help?

Many Italian restaurants accept donations on every plate of the ‘Pasta Amatriciana’ dish. Please ask the Italian restaurants near you how you can help.

For the donations, Poste Italiane and The Italian Red Cross created a bank account so you can help the people who lived the tragedy of the earthquake.

IBAN: IT38R0760103000000000900050
BENEFICIARY: “Associazione Italiana della Croce Rossa”
REASON FOR PAYMENT: “Poste Italiane con Croce Rossa Italiana – Terremoto Centro Italia”

Our thoughts and prayers go to the community of Amatrice and everyone affected by the earthquake.

Photo source: https://www.iltempo.it/